iten +39 081.5561501
+39 081.5561501

Our Background

‘Cozy For You’ onlus is the only truly reliable ‘incoming’ tour operator in Campania and Italy in relation to the accessible tourism sector as it is accredited by the experience acquired through participation in public projects together with the voluntary association “Peepul – from the side of the disabled “whose” know how “in responding to the needs of the plurality of types of people with special needs dates back to 2002.

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Our team has undergone a long training, managed by Peepul, both in the study of disabilities and problems of movement related to disability, both in monitoring the accessibility of public or private places, and in creating tourist itineraries suitable for all types of disabled people.

The very idea of ​​the foundation of the social enterprise, engaged in accessible tourism, stems from the “Cozy for you” project (comfortable and easy for you) led by Peepul and funded by the EUROPEAN COMMISSION-ENTERPRISES AND INDUSTRY in 2015 with the ambitious objectives of :

  • spreading the culture of accessible tourism in Campania and Central – Southern Italy especially to businesses in the tourism supply chain,
  • gathering and enhancing the previous experience in identifying accessible structures and services,
  • developing and assembling accessible services, tourist routes that allow to all, and in particular to disabled people of all kinds, to access the beauty that the Campania region offers us.

The reliability of our proposals is therefore based on a constant monitoring activity – started in 2008 and still continued today – of public and private structures and services in Campania, which consists of a census and continuous updating of the data with the consequent inclusion of ever new structures that respond to advanced parameters of physical accessibility and reception capacity.

After the conclusion of the project, we have concretized and enhanced the experience with the creation of the Tour Operator as “good practice” in order to demonstrate that:

  • it is possible to create qualitatively valid and commercially interesting tourist products for disabled travelers that do not represent an extra “cost” but an opportunity for tourism companies to increase turnover.
  • promoting the creation of a critical mass of destinations, sites, attractions, activities and tourist services accessible “for all” along the entire supply chain of a destination, implies that the territory as a whole is able to offer better and excellent value for money.
  • such an organized territory is better able to remedy the lack of information, marketing and manages to promote good practices at an international level through the integration of regular and online information and distribution channels (website and commerce + social + newsletter).
  • this way, entering in full synergy with the general tourism market, the boundaries of what was and is considered a true “niche” will be expanded.

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The “Cozy Fair” platform, where all incoming and outgoing market products are present, including accessible ones, wants to represent “accessible tourism” as a model of quality tourism. The parameters of “reception” and attention to the customer, typical of the T.A. they are also extended and applied to “normal” tourism products, to counter the current trend towards massification and almost the “determinism” of tourism and to put the “tourist”, his needs and desires at the center of tourism action with the consequent flexibility and adaptability of programs too. The goal remains to stimulate greater attention to accessibility in tourism development programs and strategies, with the aim of reducing the difference between the “tourism product” and the “accessible tourism product”.






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